web developement by Maurizio Tarchini

development and management of modern sites, apps, plugins, and more

Maurizio Tarchini – web developer

Maurizio Tarchini deals with the web since 1999. He began studying the Apache technology and he activated his own web server. Fascinated by the LAMP bundle he comes close to Linux and later to PHP and MySql. In July 2007 he recived the certificate of for these disciplines. Later on he specialised in the jQuery framework and in asynchronous technologies as well as in the API for online payments.

Today Maurizio Tarchini, besides dealing with the development of websites in all his steps, collaborates in many open source projects and he’s member of the support’s forum of PHP. He’s author and co-author of several publications in the programming field. He’s trainer of PHP and MySql and he’s member of the editorial staff of YIW (Your Inspiration Web). He’s also the author of the standardLib framework and mtx.wp.api framework .
